Choosing Paint Colors for a Basement – Basement Photo Friday

Aug 07, 2015

Finishing a basement space requires a lot of planning and decision.  From deciding between hiring a basement contractor or DIYing it, to choosing the type of ceiling or flooring, your new basement living space will be an additional living area for years to come.  The color(s) that you paint on the walls of the basement can make or break the feel and mood of the room.

According to HGTV contributor Karin Beuerlein, “Selecting a wall shade can be tricky when there’s limited natural light. Paint can appear two or three shades darker on a basement wall than it did on your swatch.  Choose a slightly lighter version of the color you want if your lighting is artificial.  Don’t be intimidated by the idea of color in the basement. A rich color is almost always preferable to white, which can look dull without natural light.”

When you’re choosing colors for your basement walls, think about mixing a palette of colors together.  We love the color scheme in the example above; it’s light, airy and even makes the space appear larger then it is.  Don’t be afraid to mix and match colors and remember, painting a few sample colors on the bare walls can make the choice easier as you can see the colors in every phase of light.

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